Faculty of Humanities

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During your years of stay and study in this University, you will definitely spend more of your time within the four walls of this Faculty than you will spend in your parental homes. Thus, you will find the environment of this Faculty to be your academic home away from your parental home.

We shall do our very best to create for your comfort a conducive home environment for your stay here.

In line with the University’s developmental plans and projections, the Faculty of Humanities has great potentials for expansion and development in terms of manpower, academic programmes and physical facilities. It is projected that when the University moves to its permanent site at Owerrinta, Isiala-Ngwa South, Abia State, in the shortest possible time, the Faculty will have its own building and facilities where all its Departments and staff will be housed. That will take away from the Faculty the challenges it faces now as a result of sharing space and facilities with other Faculties and Units of the University. At that time, academic prorgammes will also expand to include other Humanisticsdisciplines, such as Philosophy, Linguistics, Music, Fine and Applied Arts, etc. Thus, our future is very bright and promising.